The Tattoo-Worthy Brand Book

Sale price Price $ 29.00 Regular price

10 Steps to Scale with Brand Integrity + Grit

Take your brand or media personality to scale without selling out or making yourself vulnerable to cancel culture. Learn the industry secrets that most entrepreneurs only learn AFTER they’ve lost thousands of dollars. This book teaches you the definitive 10 pillars to build a sustainable brand vision and cancel-proof your community to become truly tattoo-worthy.


This E-BOOK covers the 10 step formula paired with writing prompts for brand development. Book includes a 3-part BONUS to activate your most aligned entrepreneurial vision and confidence.

Product Package Types

  • E-book only - immediately prompted to download the PDF after purchase. Receipt contains download link for future downloads
  • E-book + 1 Hour Consultationimmediately prompted to download the PDF after purchase. Receipt contains download link for future downloads and a follow-up email with Calendly booking link for your consult