it's time to prioritize  the most important relationship in your life.
God is calling you home. 

Wild at Heart
Wild at Heart

Wild @ Heart Bible Study

$ 10.00
  • Bible study course series with over 50 hours+ of in-depth bible study content broken into 3 seasons
  •  Weekly prayer points to cultivate an intentional relationship with God 
  •  PDF lecture slides included for each week of bible study to dig deeper in scripture on your own
  •  Access to a private members-only Facebook group for discussion on bible study topics
  • Access to all LIVE content each week for Series 2


Gifting is one of the most contentious aspects of the Christian walk. The expression and definition of gifts divides churches all over the world. Wild @ Heart explores spiritual gifting through the Word and the Spirit. The bible says that as the Spirit pours out over sons and daughters that many will see dreams, visions and prophesy. How these gifting patterns are experienced, expressed and balanced with Fruit - is the primary focus of Wild @ Heart.


The bible delivers powerful revelation through repetitive symbolism. The Biblical references to anatomical terms all infers a specific spiritual action. This area of the study reveals layers of spiritual understanding through the study of anatomy in the Word.

Wild @ Heart Bible Study

$ 10.00
  • Includes 50+ hours of quantum-based Bible study, broken into 6-part series
  • Cultivate an intentional prayer life to increase your direct connection to God
  • Connect with others on the quest for truth + connection to our collective purpose
  • Explore and ask questions in a dogma-free setting that encourages critical thinking
Wild at Heart
Wild at Heart


Series One consists of intentionally sequenced content aimed at addressing religious trauma from childhood and removing the guilt and shame patterns that hold you back in your relationship with God. We continue on with understanding Spiritual Gifts, God's Timing and the steps to become a truly New Creation in Christ. This series is a pre-requisite for Series Two as it offers critical building blocks to expand our discussion. The 6 sessions and all prayer points are included in this set for you to receive access to immediately.


Series Two begins with God + Futurism, deep revelation on the relationship between The Word and The Spirit. This series is focused on how God is calling His children to MOVE in a new way this season. He is speaking directly to each of us through the Holy Spirit and it is our job to LISTEN. Gone are the days of legalistic viewpoints that keep us stuck without momentum. God is asking us to MOVE and as a Church we must get going in the direction He is mapping for each of us. This is how we stay current, on-season and in alignment with this new move of God.


The Mind of God

Multifaceted. Conflicting. Misunderstood. Loving. Firm. Brutal. Beautiful. How do you reconcile these juxtaposing qualities? How do you begin to understand the mind and will of our creator? We explore this in-depth throughout both series of Bible Studies. 

Seasonality + Obedience

Many hear the word obedience and immediately want to RISE UP. Years of injustice, feeling powerless or oppressed and now you're being asked to be obedient? YES. We will unpack this concept in depth and how it applies to your spiritual walk.


Spiritual truth requires an understanding of multidimensionality and quantum physics. When you add this layer of truth onto the Word, you expand your biblical revelation ten fold. We explore the Bible through a multidimensional perspective and allow the Holy Spirit to guide our exploration. 

One on One with God - Not Through Man

Spirituality inherently breeds corruption in community - hierarchy, ego, emotional wounding masquerading as power. It's everywhere from consciousness communities to the Church itself. A one on one relationship with God does not and will never require a human. A human can lead you to the tools to connect. A human can serve as an example to motivate you. But a human is not required to serve as an intermediary between you and Your Father. Period.


Jessica C.


Being raised in a main stream mega church, while also being involved in their leadership team, always had me around “prominent” leaders in the church. Despite that fact, for the last 20 years if you were to ask me who I looked up to in Christ, or who I learned from spiritual, the only person I could/would name was Jesus. My relationship with God since 5 years of age was always strong thankfully, but the one thing I was missing was a church, group or person that was truly anointed by the Lord, who I could really learn from and be challenged by. There is absolutely no question that the Wild at Heart community, and Bizzie, is the real deal. True anointing. You can tell the minute you experience the lectures and community that the Lord is present and speaking. Bizzie’s humility and ability to really be used as a voice, is a rarity. That, along with being so accessible and relatable to those newly seeking God, Wild at Heart is a diamond in the rough. Game changer in the realm of church and modern day small group. 

Kristin W.


When I signed up for the Wild at Heart Bible study, I was going through one of the hardest times of my life. I was raised in a Christian home so I have always had a relationship with God, but I described it as "surface level" which frustrated me, I knew I wanted to know God on a deeper level, but didn't know how. When I joined this Bible study everything started clicking for me. I believe because my spirit was being fed with so much truth and I was given actionable things to do that even though the storm is not over, I have a peace that can only come from God. I know that God loves me, God hears me, God is teaching me something and that God works all things out for my good. I could go on and on because I don't think I will ever be able to truly express how grateful I am for this Bible study opening my eyes and heart to the truth and love of God. 

Ciera F. 


Wild @ heart lit up the dark corners of my being that I kept hidden from the world. It brought me to the realization that the one true thing missing from my life and the truth that I constantly sought was within the word, and my personal relationship with God. All of the questions that I have been compiling throughout my existence are now being answered through Bizzie's teachings which guided and encouraged me to spiritually listen. Through this process I have been acting upon divine promotions which have already altered my life and instilled me with radical faith. . . In just a few short months.

Adele A. 


Wild @ Heart showed me the places where I had been manipulated, even through Christianity, to live in guilt and shame when it came to my walk with Christ. I’ve known Him my whole life, growing up in church. But Wild@ Heart showed me I NEVER actually KNEW Jesus. It was the beginning of freedom and I say beginning because it’s also showed me how deep and how many layers God has. It’s been a Wild ride! 

Kathy S.


Wild @ Heart showed me how to be a Christian AND a scientist. Most of my life I was conflicted on how I could be both, I had no idea how much of the Bible teachings are based in science. Bizzie Gold and her team have a way of explaining scripture that is profound and relatable. Deeply rooted in spirituality and grounded in science. Thank you for opening my eyes and my heart.

Ginger S.


Before I started Bizzie's Wild @ heart bible study I was a bit apprehensive to join. In some of the ascension communities there are teachings that caution away from connections with Jesus. But I've taken courses with Bizzie before and knew she was the only teacher that I trusted to give honest and straight forward information, that she stands in integrity and truth at the highest level with everything she does. This was definitely accurate once again. God is doing something amazing through Bizzie and it has transformed my life. 

Wild @ Heart is a bible study and private Facebook group led by Bizzie Gold. This group is open to ALL, regardless of affiliation or current belief system. We welcome anyone who has a desire to dive into the Bible, ask questions, think critically and explore the wild, eccentric and creative nature of God. 

We approach the Bible from a multidimensional and practical perspective. Each series of the study is broken into 6 sessions and revolves around a theme. It is recommended to complete the Series 1: Origin and all prayer points prior to the start of Series 2: Timeless. 

By signing up for Series 2: Timeless, you'll also receive access to all content from Series 1. Please make it a priority to complete this content prior to our beginning Series 2. 


Where Do Bible Study Sessions Take Place?

LIVE sessions are held at different times throughout the month on GoTo Webinar and are ALWAYS available as replays in the Bible Study portal within 24 hours of the session. All sessions come with downloadable PDFs that include study verses and prayer points for the week. We STRONGLY encourage questions - no matter what! The goal is to help YOU grow closer to God. To do this, you need to feel safe asking questions and there is no question that will be brushed off, ignored or avoided. Sessions typically run 90-120 minutes although they can certainly be longer when we are on God's time. There are quite a few from Series 1 that are over 3 hours. 


What Do You Need to Prepare?

We suggest getting a KJV bible, bible highlighters and a notebook. We encourage note taking and journaling throughout the weekly prayer points. The KJV bible is used because of the focus on syntax [ word order]. As we are digging into the spiritual truths of the Bible, word order becomes incredibly important. This is the primary reason we lean into this translation as a group.


 How Much Is It?

Select your donation amount. Your donation gets you access to all 3 series of content. Be prayerful about the amount you select. The testimonies that came from the last session are WILD and RADICAL and we want to keep that going. We have brought on multiple team members to support the growth of this group. Your contribution helps cover our amazing video and marketing team as well as group moderators. 



Immediately upon checkout, you'll receive an email to set up your account [ unless you already have an account with ]. Follow the account activation prompts and sign into Go to main navigation after login and look for the following TABS: Wild @ Heart Portal, Series 1: Origin, Series 2: Timeless, Series 3: Fractal Jesus.  If you already have an account with us, simply login and follow the steps to reveal the TABS.


Our Goals

  1. Release Religious Trauma + Fear: emotional healing and deep restoration can and should originate through the study of the word. No matter what your past experience has been, prepare to be surprised with a nourishing, quantum perspective on Biblical truths that will set you free and connect you to God deeply.
  2. Activate Your Spiritual Gifts: While many American Churches shy away from the topics of gifting and spiritual warfare, we run toward it. It is impossible to separate these aspects of your relationship to God as they are ever-present in the Bible.
  3. Cultivate a Powerful Prayer Life: Prayer to have your prayer life leveled up in every way. Have you been repetitively praying for things? Begging God to change your circumstance but nothing ever changes? You're most likely praying ineffectively and not truly leaning into your intimate and direct relationship with God. That's all about to change.