The New Deviance


This is the most important podcast I've given to-date. As a collective, we are at a critical crossroads. Where will we go? What collective destiny will we choose? Will we do the work to understand the subtle forces that impact our decision-making before we even have the chance to make one? 

This podcast takes a sociological approach to understanding the time and place we find ourselves in. Are you ready to learn about social deviation, priming and where we might be heading? If so, get ready to hunker down for this 90 minute episode that will certainly get your wheels turning. 

And please - if you feel called to share this episode & please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE on my YouTube channel - DO using the share buttons on the side of the screen! We need to get these messages out there more than ever.

If you'd rather listen to the audio [ Psssst.... you'll miss all the potent visual info] you can click either link below:



iTunes Podcast

Until the next episode...