Ambition Isn't Bad... It's PRICELESS.

I was taught growing up that ambition was valuable. I believed that wholeheartedly and set big goals for myself until the age of 23. I owned my first PR firm at the age of 20 (even though I lied and told all my clients that I was 27 ?). I got offered a job in the PR department of MySpace (when it was at its prime) and turned it down to take a director position at a competitor - another social networking company. At the age of 23 - I gave up.

Doctors told me because I had lupus I had to rest more and not work stressful jobs. In my moment of dysfunction and weakness I attracted a life that reinforced a belief that ambition was selfish + destructive. I must have been truly run down and exhausted to my core to allow that belief to be changed in me for so many years. I tried to convince myself that living the slow, organic farming life was the better option and more aligned with my spirituality. Little did I know it was the FURTHEST thing from it.

When my daughter died in my arms at her birth, that fire got reignited. When she came back to life after 20 minutes, that fire began to burn like a brick oven! ? I have spent the last 5 years of my life getting back to the belief that ambition is PRICELESS (thanks Wale) and doesn't touch everyone. Those who channel their ambition and pair it with a thirst for education and networking are the ones that CHANGE the mother f$&@ing world. My spirituality has called me to do THIS. There are days and nights when I'm so stressed out it feels like my eyeballs are going to explode, but then I help someone live their life with passion and freedom and I'm reminded why I do the WORK.

Don't ever let anyone tell you that ambition is bad. They simply DON'T have any and don't understand. Keep going. Let every obstacle motivate you and push more. You've got this. I believe you have ambition on fleek.



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